Feint of Heart

As Andrea and I were starting Connectopod this past summer, friend and fellow voice over artist Tish Hicks advised me that creating and running your own business was not for the "faint of heart." Indeed all summer, as we hashed out curriculum, battled timelines, and dug for treasure, I had an ongoing loop of the sword fight theme from Pirates of the Caribbean rolling in my head.
But I have come to realize that you could also say it is not for the "feint of heart". You must have a true connection to your intention, or you will lose you mission, your drive and find yourself adrift in a sea of tasks. True love. That's what it takes.
I was starting to drift a few weeks ago. So many great things are happening for Connectopod and we are at a tipping point. But to take advantage of and parlay all that is happening we needed to be able to move forward with trademarks and 501c3 status, budget etc.. We needed to grow.
Every company has growing pains. I was beginning to doubt myself. No sword fight theme song, as hard as I tried. I was stranded on the Isle of Doubt. Can podcast really help kids learn and provide them opportunity? In this crazy political armageddon who has time or focus to give to few dreamers with a microphone? These kids have put their trust and hard work into us! How do we come through?
Then. Then! In the mail from The Nicholas Beck Trust, came a check made out to Connectopod for $1500 to help us secure 501c3 status!! Cue sword fight music!
Turns out Marcia Malkonian, librarian at the LAPL Pacoima Branch, whom Andrea had spoken to the week before, is the trustee.
And just like that, everything started to roll again. Joanna Caine volunteered her time to do all of the research and paperwork. And yesterday, Andrea, her 2 year old daughter, Quetzalli, and I walked it into The Secretary of State Office downtown on Spring Street to turn it in.
So keep your fingers crossed, your ears open, and your donations ready for the non profit education arm of Connectopod. It will be called "Connectopod Learning" and will allow us to apply for grants and accept tax deductible donations. "Connectopod Learning" is the curriculum we have developed around podcast and plan to bring to schools, organizations, and communities that face financial and cultural challenges. Speak Out. Reach Out. Turn Needing into Leading! (Say it loud, people!). Connectopod the Podcast, remains an llc so that it is not subject to any content restrictions. We don't want to empower kids to speak out and then say, "Well you know, only so much now...."
Thank you Nicholas Beck Trust and Marcia Malkonian. We will work hard to live up to Nick's standards, spirit and generosity. Your belief in Connectopod makes us stronger. Your trust in us is the wind in our sails.
Thank you to all of our supporters so far.
PS: Yes, I deposited it. Thanks to the app we get to frame it!