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Hello 2018!

It’s come to my attention that a lot of people are happy and rooting for us (thank you!), but don’t quite get what it is that we do. My bad.

Are we a…

a. podcast?

b. school?

c. social justice program?

d. all of the above!

Ok. Maybe the exclamation point gave that one away. Let’s clarify.

Connectopod is a kid powered podcast. I produce but the kids decide what they want to write, do the research, record and edit their segment. Connectopod is available on iTunes, GooglePlay and Podbean as well as our site.

They learn to do this by going through our five part program which we offer to schools and nonprofits that help kids facing social, financial, cultural or educational challenges. These are the voices we seek to amplify, the kids who need the opportunity to feel their worth and find their voice.

Working with the kids’ innate creativity and natural curiosity we teach them how to podcast. Connectopod activities and original games mirror the lessons: pod community and collaboration, brainstorming, researching, writing, editing, journalistic integrity, performing, recording, and publishing. We make it fun! Kids learn more effectively when they are laughing. They remember what made them laugh.

At the end of the program they have a professionally produced podcast episode. But it’s really all about the process. Literacy, STEM skills, community building, active listening, journalism, empathy, independence, and self esteem are the real goals. Sneaky, right?

Program alums are welcome to independently submit stories to Connectopod as a correspondent or join our staff team working once a week on a monthly podcast.

Other benefits include opportunities to interact with professionals of many different career paths, exposure to different cultural environments and field trips, an online portfolio of work that students can link to on resumes for internships and grant applications, friendships with positive supportive peers, marketable skills, and connections to open doors in the future.

To fund our mission, we rely on donors and grants. The Connectopod Learning program can also be purchased by schools and institutions. We will even teach adult groups who want to create a podcast or companies looking for an effective and entertaining team builder.

Well, I hope that helps. We have some really exciting collaborations coming up that I cannot wait to tell you about. Stay tuned!

To give your time, talents or treasure: support or contact us

Happy New Year!

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