Use it!
You've got a voice, kid.
Enjoli Ferrari
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Connectopod donates 100% of the sales to Enjoli and Nikki.
At Connectopod, we say, "Turn needing into leading". Our new friend, Enjoli Ferrari, embodies that mantra! Literally, she has "leader" in her job description at Tree People where she is the Youth Leadership Manager. She steered her life onto a positive path after a youth of foster homes, hardship and separation from her beloved mother, Nikki.
Enjoli has found a way to reconnect with her mom, who is homeless, on Nikki's terms, and make up for lost time together. Mala beads and meditation opened up a whole new world for Enjoli. Now she and Nikki are creating a whole new world together, healing wounds and bringing joy by the making and selling mala beads. They use the funds for pocket money for Nikki to purchase essentials and to go out to dinners and celebrate special occasions together.
In keeping with sanskrit tradition, Nikki and Enjoli use only natural materials. These necklaces are a comfort to hold, infused with a powerful force of love that will add depth to you practice. Even if you don't meditate, these beads just feel good, and they are very pretty! See below for Enjoli's description of the meanings and symbols.
The Connectopod team reported on the beautiful story of Enjoli and Nikki. Hear how the Mala bead team came to be!
The connectopodistas modeling malas!

from Enjoli :
Aspiring Beads! Malas (Sanskrit: mālā garland) are a traditional tool used to count the number of times a mantra is recited, breaths while meditating, counting prostrations, or the repetitions of what you are wanting to manifest into your physical life. Malas are typically made from elements of the earth or bone. All beads are always able to turn like the planets around the sun. This necklace has 148 beads. 1 symbolizes self leadership, instinct, new beginnings and motivation. 4 Carries the vibration of will and effort, stability, integrity and drive. 8 symbolizes the principal of domination, control, achievement and making executive decisions
To hear stories about how my mom is treated by others she encounters during her day weighs a strange disappointment on my soul. My mom is the most uplifting, kind and battered soul I know. This is why it is my mission to show her and others that we are all capable of recreating your life over and over again, that we all are indeed courageous. Your contribution has gone to reminding my mom that she is worthy of love and creativity regardless of all things that has happened in her life. (Happy to share stories if there is interest)
Not growing up with my mom was the most frustrating emotional pain I have ever experienced in my life. One thing special that she instilled in me is to trust my choices and take leaps in life. To always take control of my path. Here to make sure everyone I come in contact with feels valued while promoting self- power, a sense of calm and life appreciation. Thank you for being a part of this journey!
-Do your best to understand all experiences as they are your own.