Meet Our Intern Adriana Ramirez!

Hello everyone! My name is Adriana Ramirez and I am a junior at CSUN. I am double majoring in Sociology and Chicana/o Studies. I work full-time at a background screening company in the criminal records department, and I also attend school full-time as well. I am still in the process of figuring out what area I would like to work in once I have my degree, however, my ultimate goal is to be able to help others in need. My hobbies include watching movies, reading books, and traveling whenever I have the opportunity. My most recent trip was during Spring Break. I was able to travel to Chicago, Illinois! It was a truly fun experience that involved sightseeing, awesome pizza, and museums. By interning at Connectopod, the thing that I am looking forward to the most is being able to engage with the young minds behind the scenes that create the podcasts.